Whois Data Verification Email 列印

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You may receive an email verification request. If you do you must respond.

The subject is : RAA Verification

The mail which is sent manually by us, is sent from the email address "[email protected]".

Verifying the Registrant�s contact information

As a part of the Whois Data Accuracy specification, ICANN expects the
Registrar to verify the contact information for the Registrant contact of
each gTLD domain name, within 15 days of

* a domain name being registered with unverified contact details,

* a domain name being transferred in, or

* the contact information of the Registrant contact information being

If the domain holder does not verify the contact information within 15 days,
the Registrar must suspend the domain name until the verification is
completed. This requirement comes into effect from January 1st, 2014 �
domain names that are already registered are not subject to such
verification unless their contact information is modified.


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